Green Canyon is a tourist attraction in great demand by visitors who are on vacation and visit to the southern coast of West Java, particularly in Pangandaran and Green Canyon.
In addition to offering a very strong culinary tour with typical kesundaannya, in Green Canyon tourist sites also have available a very popular activity for tourists. One is the Body Rafting activities. Rafting the body itself is a challenging activity with the natural form of white water rafting without the boat with the media agency as a means to navigate the rapids with complete equipment ranging from starting a helmet, life jacket, safety knee, calf and reef shoes or sandals mountain. Body Rafting is done on the river waterfall, Cijulang. Kertayasa located in the village, District Cijulang, Ciamis regency, West Java Province or more in the know with the name Green Canyon Pangandaran (Cukang Taneuh).
Usually the visitors who want to follow the activities of this nature, provided with guidance on how to use Body Rafting equipment, the rules of procedure performed while following this vehicle, then the group / group is taken (taken) by using
Body activities in Green Canyon Rafting
pickup vehicle to be delivered to the waterfall upstream Cijulang as the beginning of this activity Rafting Body. With fields and forests along the entourage entered the Body Rafting Goa named Guha smell located in the Upper River waterfall Cijulang. Why Guha called Bau, because Goa was issued a scent similar animals that inhabit the small bat cave, so known by the name of Bau Guha (Goa Bau).
The next group are all entering the Body Rafting river waterfall is a steep, rocky streams and have a pretty heavy too, so it needs special safety equipment to maintain the security and safety of the participants of this activity. As the group entered the river with a waterfall jump, then guide leads the group that is set up by a chain holding each other in the group, so that the guide
Body series on Green Canyon Rafting
just pull the leg or body Body Rafting participants the very front, so that the other participants involved are interested. Body Rafting guide number is usually two men, one guided trip and Body Rafting activity itself, whereas the other one do both photo and video documentation provided by the visitors themselves. These activities culminate in body rafting palatar Green Canyon rocks are commonly used by other visitors who do not perform these activities Rafting Body. Next the participants were then boarded a boat that has been provided in the guide and take it to the end of the pier Ciseureuh Body Rafting the activity.
The fee is per person body rafting in wear Rp. 190,000, - with a minimum per group of 5 people (1 package), so that in one activity
Team Body Rafting from Portugal
Body Rafting is if 5 people then around Rp. 950.000, - to be issued by the troupe. Usually, after doing Body Rafting the participants feel hungry, then manager of Body Rafting is also providing food package per person to Rp. 25,000, so a group if you want to do the activities of the Body Rafting and prepare meals plus money around Rp. 1.075 million, - not cheap enough? The fee includes boat rental and equipment in need in the Body Rafting like a helmet, life jacket, safety knee, calf and reef shoes or sandals mountain. From the results of our search, the visitors who attend this lot. Some came Australia, Portugal, Malaysia, German and others.
Thank you and please leave a comment.
yeah this s a cool place. one day ill b there
Wowww... it's wonderful... I like it...
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